Sonesta Osorno’s Plans and offers
From today, the best promotions and special offers at the Sonesta Osorno Hotel are available here: on the official website of GHL Hotels you have access to exclusive discounts, special packages, and unique and exclusive rates for hotel reservations in Osorno, Chile.
Offers and plans
to enjoy
20% discount!
Book from March 13th to 15th and receive a 20% discount for trips until December 31st, 2025. Not applicable to flight + hotel plans or packages. Subject to hotel availability. Not applicable to Sheraton or ...
More informationFeatured Plans
Plan Pareja
Romantic Plans
Llegó "Escapada Romántica" un panorama ideal para compartir juntos en Sonesta!
Este plan incluye:
- Alojamiento para 2 personas en habitación Suite Ejecutiva con vista ...$200
BOOK NOWFeatured Plans
Plan Amigas
Weekend Plans
La amistad es una dulce responsabilidad en Sonesta Osorno! Este plan incluye:
-Alojamiento para 3 personas en habitación Suite Ejecutiva con vista al río Rahue ...$240
BOOK NOWFeatured Plans
Plan Familia
Weekend Plans
Ven con tu familia y disfruta del Plan Familia que incluye:
- Habitación Twin para 2 adultos + 2 niños
- Desayunos buffet en restaurante ...$220